
Infidelity: When A Woman Cheats The Relationship Is Over?

When A Woman Cheats The Relationship Is Over, Most couples either clearly or subtly agree that their relationship is monogamous and that faithfulness is absolutely essential. Cheaters break this pact and jeopardize the stability and well-being of their relationship. Considered a major marital transgression, infidelity causes great suffering and is a commonly mentioned reason behind divorce or break-up (Amato & Privati, 2004).

When A Woman Cheats The Relationship Is Over: Understanding the Dynamics of Cheating

When A Woman Cheats The Relationship Is Over

The Relative Frequency of Infidelity

Although it's rare, infidelity can sour a marriage. According to a study of infidelity studies, at least 20 to 25 percent of married couples have at least one incidence of cheating over their marriage (Fincham & May 2017). This same research covers variations over time in who cheats; today, women are "closing the gap," and their rate of infidelity is almost that of men.

Do women cheat for different purposes than males do? What especially drives women to risk their relationship's well-being with an extradyadic affair?

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8 Reasons for Women's Infidelity

  1. Recent studies aimed to find out why women cheat (Murphy et al., 2024). These researchers examined answers from 116 women (and 138 males) from several nations, all of whom had past infidelitous behavior. Women supported the following as their infidelity's justification:
  2. In their current relationship, they are not pleased (64.66 percent). Relationship discontent is a complicated emotional and cognitive state by far the most nominated cause for infidelity. Perhaps it reflects ingrained bad habits, persistent disagreement, or clear alienation, but when women are unhappy this puts them—and their relationship—at risk for adultery. Two times as frequently as men, women say this is their motivation for infidelity
  3. Of them, 15.52% desire retribution. Women may be inspired to have an affair themselves when they learn their mate had one. Women indulge in infidelity five times more often than males for this reason.
  4. They either desire something fresh or are bored (12.93 percent). Women whose life seem boring or uninteresting may find the attraction in infidelity. About 5 percent of women said their affair was explained by novelty-seeking, while roughly 8 percent said they cheated from boredom.
  5. Their sexual discontent comes at 8.62 percent. Women who are dissatisfied with their sex life with their partner may look for other sexual partners.
  6. They have the chance; they are under influence; or let stupidity guide them (7.76 percent). People don't have to be miserable in their relationships to cheat; occasionally circumstantial circumstances are the actual causes of infidelity. Someone is flirting; they are not thinking about implications; one action sets off another. Situational factors can be substantial and occasionally help to explain why women cheat, even as much as we would wish people to act in line with their principles.
  7. Of those, 6.89 percent adore or desire their affair partner. To what degree for women can the traits of an affair partner tip the scales toward infidelity? Strangely tiny. With only over 2% indicating it was love for their affair partner and only roughly 5% claiming their affair partner's attractiveness was a crucial motivator, most of the reasons women cite to comprehend their affairs revolve on their primary relationship.
  8. Their connection is long-distance—3.45 percent. A tiny fraction of women say their adultery results from their remoteness from their partner. Couples who live apart are less close to one another and create greater chances for an affair.

What Does Cheating Feel Like?Cheating is bad. And I apologies if you have also experienced that. Should you not have, I aim to gently start the discussion. To the individual who was betrayed, what does cheating feel? I want to tell this experience, then, since I really believe that adultery causes a great deal of shame and guilt. Often times, the person cheated on feels as though their partner straying was somehow their responsibility. Furthermore aggravating their guilt about it is their silence on the matter. I thus chose to say "fuck it" and tell you my tale.

The Breakup

We lived together and kept in touch even though we split in December of 2018; I had NO IDEA about the cheating. Though profoundly depressed and angry over the breakup—which he caused, not mine—I really wanted to be the bigger person. I thus tried to be friendly and kept doing pleasant things for him, like cook dinner and share it with him. I was too kind, they told me, but I disagreed. I wanted to be friends with him at the moment since I felt that by doing this he would be reminded of the decent person I am. Our first time spending Christmas away, I got a text from him telling me how much he missed me and how difficult this time of year was for him also. That indicated, in the rear of my mind, we were going to get back together.

Though there is most likely no decent way to find out about infidelity, one of the worst ways is to learn on your birthday. Though I am not very big on birthdays, this guide will tell you the When A Woman Cheats The Relationship Is Over step by step. 

What is the sensation of cheating?

When A Woman Cheats The Relationship Is Over

If you find yourself wondering what infidelity feels like, it feels like a million different things all at once. And since I felt so isolated handling everything, I wanted to let you know the emotions I experienced. Thank you; none of my pals had ever gone through the agony of being betrayed. At times I felt insane. Over the first several months, these were the emotions I most regularly experienced.

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Why is this happening to me and how did I miss seeing it approaching? What now was I going to do? How might my life turn out? The condo we owned would what happen? Along with being upset, furious, and sad, a million perfectly reasonable and logical ideas were racing through my head. Having been with him for fourteen years, I had no idea who I was without him in my life. And I was perplexed as to how he lied to my face every day, slept in our bed with me and more so, how he looked at himself in the mirror everyday.


Other people's opinions of my behavior seemed to me like judgment. I assumed they would cheat on me as I failed to recognize that our relationship had to not have been all that fantastic. And I felt judged that he cheated since I could not "keep my man happy". Of course, I know this was all in my head and nobody assessed me for his behavior; however, at the time I sure did.


Oh BOY! For some time, this was the largest and strongest feeling one experienced. I never have have been that enraged with someone EVER before in my life. I would be in jail if individuals could be arrested based just on their ideas. I guess the longest running feeling I had was fury. Though not quite as strong as it once was, truthfully it still flashes periodically.


I cried for a relationship that broke off. One relationship I had imagined different things for. And that brought me great melancholy. That it had to come to an end this way and that we couldn continue friends made me sad. After 14 years of marriage, I felt depressed as he seemed to have found acceptable what he did (on some level, sure he had to have been able to rationalize his actions). And I was depressed that he would not be open with me regarding his behavior. He looked me right in the eyes and answered no even when I asked him early on in our breakup whether there was anybody else. Apart from my birthday, I never asked again or even questioned it. Trigger more emotions of stupidity and naivety...

FAQs: When A Woman Cheats The Relationship Is Over

When someone cheats is the relationship over?

Though it is feasible, the decision to keep on trying requires both people. A relationship might not survive adultery for several different reasons. The marriage will probably fall apart if the betrayal is extremely severe or if both spouses are not dedicated to repairing the harm.

How does a woman feel after cheating?

"In general, getting over infidelity follows the usual stages of grief: shock/denial; anger/defiance; bargaining; depression, guilt; and acceptance," notes Weiss.

What happens to a man when a woman cheats?

The betrayed partner will probably feel bewildered, wounded, furious, and deceived. They could suffer with self-esteem loss and feel as though they cannot trust their lover. Another physical result of cheating is...