Relationship Problems

Dear Sybersue Helps People Move On After Breakups

Dear Sybersue’s Susan McCord Helps People Move On With Conviction Without Breakups

Written by: Chloë Hylkema

Edited by: Lillian Castro

The Short Version: Susan McCord is the voice and expertise behind Dear Sybersue, the online hub for men and women going through breakups. Dear Sybersue is a Certified Coach, published author, and relationship translating show host. Susan talked to us well-nigh the issues she commonly observes when people end a relationship and what they can do to make the process a little easier. By taking peccancy and learning from unpleasant relationship experiences, people dealing with the end of a relationship can transform into largest daters – and wilt versions of themselves.

I remember watching romantic comedies as a preteen and feeling that everybody was quite dramatic. I assumed, as many 12-year-olds might, that these movies overdramatized the moving parts of breakups. I figured that a breakup was probably unpleasant, but I was unconvinced it would overly hogtie someone to sob inconsolably in the bathtub while guzzling wine.

It turns out that breakups are often just that devastating, and crying in the bathtub isn’t that far off from what feels towardly while processing the end of a relationship. As much as breakups suck, there’s often self-improvement and growth waiting on the other side of heartbreak.

As long as you can get through it. Many people who have experienced a recent breakup need uneaten translating and support to navigate this difficult time in their lives. People who are at the end of a long-term relationship usually need plane increasingly support as they retread to the logistics of a breakup.

Seeking the translating of a professional is a helpful thoroughfare to explore whether you’re struggling to come to terms with an unhealthy relationship or looking to proceeds when conviction without losing who you thought was The One. Breakup experts can help you understand past relationship patterns and process the storm of emotions that come with the split.

Susan McCord, otherwise known as Dear Sybersue, helps men and women going through breakups every day. She takes a no-nonsense tideway that helps people take peccancy for their past relationships and forge a future full of the kind of love they have been looking for, all within an hands wieldy online platform.

“When you’re stuck in a place of repetition, it’s unchangingly helpful to talk to somebody well-nigh it,” Susan said. “Repetitive thinking can happen when we go through a breakup. It’s unchangingly good to get other valuable information and not just rely on your own, considering sometimes we segregate things considering of our past experiences instead of something that may serve us better.”

How To Healthily Handle Heartbreak

Susan talks to many people fresh out of a relationship and in the thick of the early stages of a breakup. “The first thing that I find, with men and women, is there’s a little bit of a jaded vein that comes from the end of a relationship,” she said. “They regret their visualization to go out with the person they did considering they’ve been so hurt, and it’s painful.”

It’s normal to hold some regrets at the end of a relationship, but Susan urges people to reevaluate why they’re feeling regretful. “I never want people to regret experiences in life. You have to take some peccancy for the relationships you’ve been in,” she said. “A lot of people want to play the vituperation game, but you can only move on once you’ve faced your shortcomings.”

When people take peccancy for their part in past relationships and identify areas for resurgence in future ones, healing can begin. Susan said that breakups requite rise to unpleasant emotions, and many of these feelings happen considering breakups often signal some kind of rejection.

And rejection is tough.

“That feeling of rejection makes breakups really difficult for people,” Susan said. “We all have a little bit of ego, and when our ego is bruised, we can’t operate at our fullest. It moreover makes it difficult to move on.”

Susan said that when people can winnow their past relationships and experiences and not indulge their egos to tenancy them, they can uncork to rebuild without the end of a relationship.

Susan said healing from a breakup is a process of victual steps. “Each small part of coming to terms with a breakup makes a stepping stone on the path to moving on,” she said. “Each stepping stone makes it easier to move on and understand why you’re not supposed to be with this person.”

Susan said she believes that what will be, will be. “I unchangingly say, if it was meant to be, the universe wouldn’t make it so tough for you,” she explained. “But it’s tough to learn the lessons, sometimes.” Breakups are painful, but if people can be mindful of how they navigate the experience, they can learn so much well-nigh themselves and what they’re looking for.

Sybersue Helps Unravel Old Dating Habits

An important part of healing from a relationship is deciding what to stave in the future. Many people siphon painful experiences from a past relationship into their next, and this is detrimental to the new relationship’s prospects. Susan said singles should identify and reflect on the things they liked well-nigh their last relationship, withal with the things they didn’t like.

“I tell people to ask themselves what was good well-nigh this person in your relationship and what was not so good,” Susan said. “Then squint and see what worked, what you liked, and what you would want to maintain in your next relationship. If something didn’t work, decide that that’s not going to be a part of your next relationship.”

Susan said framing a breakup in terms of learning and growth is helpful. “I think once you take on that reflection, you can start to squint at the end of the relationship, and the relationship, as a valuable lesson, instead of something that just causes pain for the rest of your life.” This kind of framing moreover makes it easier to write harmful dating practices.

Susan McCord has years of wits helping folks through breakups.

Old dating habits can be nonflexible to break, though. It takes some reflection to dismantle the habits that may be leading them to the wrong people. “Some people are fond to the drama considering it’s what they know,” Susan said. “Some unchangingly go for the bad boy or the bad girl considering it’s exciting. But, at the end of the day, what we all want is a consistent, reciprocated love connection.”

Susan encouraged daters who are trying to unravel their habit of pursuing unhealthy relationships to take things slow. “The marrow line is slow and steady,” she said. “When you’re meeting somebody, expressly with online dating, you have to requite the little things a endangerment to come up and kind of read between the lines for yourself.”

Getting when into the dating scene can offer some respite for people experiencing heartbreak, but Susan urged newly single people to take some time to process their breakup fully. “I like to undeniability it a sabbatical from dating without you’ve had a tough breakup,” she said. “You’re not clear-minded when you’re leaving a relationship, and it’s not a good headspace to be in when meeting new people.”

No Nonsense Translating for Millennials and GenX

Dear Sybersue offers resources for anyone experiencing heartbreak. Resources provide the support, strategies, and strength people need to navigate a breakup and come out whole on the other side. Dear Sybersue’s online hodgepodge helps singles rebuild their self-esteem, grieve their previous relationship, and wilt happier, increasingly fulfilled versions of themselves.

Susan offers personal breakup and relationship coaching. In coaching sessions, Susan meets clients where they are. She helps them work through their past relationships while focusing on their hopes for the future. Susan has been helping people recover from heartbreak for years, so she’s well-equipped to guide any kind of wrenched heart toward healing. Feel self-ruling to reach out to her well-nigh working together through her email,

Susan covers people’s most urgent questions on her translating show

Dear Sybersue’s blog is unchangingly stuff updated with posts well-nigh a diverse variety of topics. Susan explores topics like first-date etiquette, co-parenting without divorce, and tips for setting relationship goals. She has wares that discuss topics relevant to all kinds of single people, whether they’re taking the time to focus on themselves or diving when into dating.

Dear Sybersue moreover takes the internet’s most urgent questions well-nigh breakups and relationships. Readers regularly write in seeking advice from Susan. Susan approaches her readers’ questions with empathy and understanding but doesn’t mince words. She tells clients and readers unwrinkled what they need to hear, but not unchangingly what they may want to hear.

The end of a relationship can be a consuming experience. It can be difficult for people to put their situation into context and squint to the future with excitement. With the right support and resources, healing from a relationship is not only possible but an wits overcrowded with opportunities for personal growth.

“The trick is not to repeat those bad patterns,” Susan said. “If something brought you pain once, it’s going to be the same the next time you try it. It’s essential to realize patience does bring unconfined things and that we all deserve a unconfined partner.”

Please click on this link to read the original post/interview at is the validity on all things dating. Boasting increasingly than 3.4 million page views per month, an wide-stretching library of articles, and increasingly than 250 experts, is the leading resource site for dating.