Healthy Relationships

Valentine Day Traditions Around The World

Valentine Day celebrations have begun. 

Valentine’s is the time to celebrate the unconditional love and warmth. 

The tradition of celebrating Valentine’s Day is different and unique in every country. 

Somewhere, it is celebrated by exchanging gifts while somewhere singles commemorate this day by eating black noodles. Sounds weird? 

The celebration of Valentine’s beings from 7th Feb and last to 14th Feb, that means the whole week dedicated to “LOVE”.  

Every country has its special meaning to celebrate Valentine’s Day, in wales, people give ‘love spoons’ to their dear ones, while in Philliphens hundreds of couples tie knots on 14th February and take vows to love their partner faithfully. 

Let’s have a look at this beautiful infographic that depicts how people around the world celebrate Valentine’s.

Love can be celebrated in any form, it has no language and above all religion. 

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